Sublime Text packages for front-end development

Sublime Text is my favorite text editor for code and it’s the most beautiful editor I have laid eyes on. I just love it! So I created list of packages I use every day.

In case you don’t know how to install “Package Control”, the simplest method of installation is through the Sublime Text console. The console is accessed via the ctrl+` shortcut or the View > Show Console menu. Once open, paste the appropriate Python code for your version of Sublime Text into the console. Which is available here.

  • CSS3 — The most complete CSS support for Sublime Text 3.
  • SCSS — The TextMate SCSS Official Bundle.
  • Java​Script​Next — ES6 Syntax — JavaScript language definition for TextMate and Sublime Text 2.
  • Stylus — Stylus Package for Sublime Text 2 / 3.
  • Sidebar Enhancements — Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.
  • Alignment — Dead-simple alignment of multi-line selections and multiple selections.
  • AlignTab — An alignment plugin using regular expression.
  • Bracket Highlighter — Bracket and tag highlighter.
  • Emmet — Emmet (ex-Zen Coding) for Sublime Text.
  • Sublime Linter — SublimeLinter is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that provides a framework for linting code. Whatever language you code in, SublimeLinter can help you write cleaner, better, more bug-free code.
  • Clipboard History — Clipboard history plugin for Sublime Text 2.
  • Color Picker — Color picker for Sublime Text.
  • Sublime Minifier — Sublime Text CSS and JS minifier.
  • j​Query — Sublime Text package bundle for jQuery.
  • Color Highlighter — ColorHighlighter — is a plugin for the Sublime text 2 and 3, which underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like #FFFFFF, rgb(255,255,255), white, etc.) with their real color. Also, plugin adds color picker to easily modify colors.
  • Multi​Edit​Utils — A Sublime Text Plugin which enhances editing of multiple selections.
  • Modific — Highlight lines changed since the last commit (supports Git, SVN, Bazaar, Mercurial and TFS) / ST2(3) plugin.
  • Base​16 Color Schemes — Base16 for TextMate & Sublime.
  • SASS Snippets — Sass Snippets for Sublime.
  • Liquid — Liquid Templates in Sublime.
  • HTML Prettify — HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node.js.
  • Twitter Bootstrap 3 Snippets — Twitter Bootstrap 3 Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3.
  • jQuery Snippets — Code snippets for developing with jQuery.
  • Rails Snippets — Sublime Text snippets for the latest Ruby and Rails versions.
  • AngularJS — AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.
  • LESS — LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
  • Vagrant — Vagrant commands for Sublime Text.
  • Http Requester — HTTP client plugin for Sublime Text 2 & 3.
  • Markdown Preview — Markdown preview and build plugin for sublime text 2/3.
  • Comment Snippets — Several snippets to create fancy PHP, CSS and HTML comments.
  • Sublime Git — Full-featured Git integration for Sublime Text 2 and 3.
  • DocBlockr — Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++.
  • Gist — Sublime Text plugin for creating new Gists from selected text.