Ronalds Vilciņš

Staticman comments on a Jekyll site

Staticman allows you to “bring user-generated content to static sites”. It works perfectly with Jekyll sites hosted on GitHub Pages, as a push to your main branch will regenerate the site automatically. If you want to moderate entries before they are published, a pull request will be created for your approval; otherwise, files will be pushed to your main branch straight away. Here is step by step guide how to add Staticman comments to your Jekyll site.

Go to and install the application on your repository.

staticman_url:[YOUR USERNAME]/[YOUR REPOSITORY]/master/comments
  # (*) REQUIRED
  # Names of the fields the form is allowed to submit. If a field that is
  # not here is part of the request, an error will be thrown.
  allowedFields: ["name", "email", "url", "message"]

  # (*) REQUIRED
  # Name of the branch being used. Must match the one sent in the URL of the
  # request.
  branch: "master"

  # Text to use as the commit message or pull request title. Accepts placeholders.
  commitMessage: "Add comments."

  # (*) REQUIRED
  # Destination path (filename) for the data files. Accepts placeholders.
  filename: "entry{@timestamp}"

  # The format of the generated data files. Accepted values are "json", "yaml"
  # or "frontmatter"
  format: "yaml"

  # List of fields to be populated automatically by Staticman and included in
  # the data file. Keys are the name of the field. The value can be an object
  # with a `type` property, which configures the generated field, or any value
  # to be used directly (e.g. a string, number or array)
      type: date
        format: "timestamp-seconds"

  # Whether entries need to be appproved before they are published to the main
  # branch. If set to `true`, a pull request will be created for your approval.
  # Otherwise, entries will be published to the main branch automatically.
  moderation: true

  # Name of the site. Used in notification emails.
  name: ""

  # Notification settings. When enabled, users can choose to receive notifications
  # via email when someone adds a reply or a new comment. This requires an account
  # with Mailgun, which you can get for free at
    # Enable notifications
    #enabled: true

    # (!) ENCRYPTED
    # Mailgun API key
    #apiKey: "1q2w3e4r"

    # (!) ENCRYPTED
    # Mailgun domain (encrypted)
    #domain: "4r3e2w1q"

  # (*) REQUIRED
  # Destination path (directory) for the data files. Accepts placeholders.
  path: "_data/comments/{options.slug}"

  # Names of required fields. If any of these isn't in the request or is empty,
  # an error will be thrown.
  requiredFields: ["name", "email", "message"]

  # List of transformations to apply to any of the fields supplied. Keys are
  # the name of the field and values are possible transformation types.
    email: md5
<!-- Comments -->
{% if[page.slug] %}
    {% if[page.slug].size > 1 %}
      {{[page.slug] | size }}
    {% endif %}
  {% assign comments =[page.slug] | sort %}
    {% for comment in comments %}
        {% if comment[1].url %}
          <a href="{{ comment[1].url }}">
        {% endif %}
        <strong>{{ comment[1].name }}</strong>
        {% if comment[1].url %}
        {% endif %}
      <em>{{ comment[1].date | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}</em>
      <p>{{ comment[1].message | markdownify }}</p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Comments Form -->
  <form method="POST" action="{{ site.staticman_url }}">
    <input name="options[redirect]" type="hidden" value="">
    <input name="options[slug]" type="hidden" value="{{ page.slug }}">
      <input name="fields[name]" type="text">
      <label>E-mail (optional)</label>
      <input name="fields[email]" type="email">
      <label>Website (optional)</label>
      <input name="fields[url]" type="url">
      <textarea style="width:100%" name="fields[message]" rows="12"></textarea>
      <small>Comments will appear after moderation.</small>
      <button type="submit">Submit comment</button>

When the user fills out the form and clicks submit button the form is sent to Staticman application. Staticman application receives the comment info, processes it, and submits a comment file to GitHub as a pull request to the sites repository. Your comments will be saved in a comments folder _data/comments/{options.slug}.

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