Advanced Google search queries

Google search queries are special characters and commands that extend the capabilities of regular text searches. You can use symbols or words (advanced operators) in your search to make your search results more precise. This article shares a list of Google search queries to help you make your searches more productive.

  • Put @ in front of a word to search social media. For example: @twitter. To search for social media profile.
  • Put $ in front of a number. For example: camera $700. To search for a price.
  • Put # in front of a word. For example: #blackfriday. To search for hashtag.
  • Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. For example, jaguar speed -car. To exclude words from your search.
  • Put a word or phrase inside quotes. For example, "tallest football player". To search exact match.
  • Put .. between two numbers. For example, camera $150..$1000. To search within range of numbers.
  • Put “OR” between each search query. For example, marathon OR race. To combine searches.
  • Put “site:” in front of a site or domain. For example, or
  • Put “related:” in front of a web address you already know. For example, To search for related sites.
  • Put “cache:” in front of the site address. To see Google’s cached version of site.
  • Put intitle: in front of search query. For example: intitle:"tesla vs bmw". To search only in the page’s title for a word or phrase. Use exact-match (quotes) for phrases.
  • Put allintitle: in front of search query. For example: allintitle:apple iphone. To search the page title for every term following “allintitle:”.
  • Put inurl: in front of search query. For example: apple announcements inurl:2019. To search for a word or phrase in the URL.
  • Put allinurl: in front of search query. For example: allinurl:apple iphone cases. To search the URL for every term following “allinurl:”.
  • Put intext: in front of search query. For example: intext:"iphone vs samsung vs LG". To search for a word or phrase, but only in the text.
  • Put allintext: in front of search query. For example: allintext:iphone samsung LG. To search text for every term following “allintext:”.
  • Put filetype: in front of search query. For example: "apple announcements" filetype:pdf. To search for only a specific file types.
  • Put weather: in front of search query. For example: weather:riga. To search for the weather for a specific location.
  • Put stocks: in front of search query. For example: stocks:aapl. To search for stock information (price).
  • Put map: in front of search query. For example: map:riga. To show map results for location.
  • Put movie: in front of search query. For example: movie:titanic. To find information about a specific movie.