I’m an experienced marketer and programmer. Individuals and companies hire me to become more visible online and fostering business growth.


Pay-per-click advertising or PPC advertising is one of the most efficient ways to get your brand or message in front of an audience. In PPC advertising, you do not need to search for an audience – the audience searches for you. Whether your goal is to reach new audiences or increase conversion rates, PPC advertising can produce your desired results.

PPC advertising, if done right, can increase your revenue in the most cost-effective and quickest way possible. Generally speaking, PPC advertising costs less per conversion. The ads only appear alongside relevant search results on search engines. Most importantly, you only pay per click – not per appearance of the ads. This is PPC campaign management from the ground up. I have 10+ years of experience managing PPC accounts. From hyper-local to global paid search campaigns, I’ll manage and run your paid search smoothly and efficiently. I offer customized PPC campaigns and targeting strategies. Increase your traffic, website conversions, and revenue without spending a lot of time and effort.

Social is becoming more and more prominent in our daily lives, not only to connect with friends and relatives but to discover new services, products and brands. As algorithmic updates make reaching users organically more difficult, a strong paid social strategy is key.

Paid Social gives users the opportunity to connect brands directly to their customers. To make this engagement worthwhile, audiences must consistently be optimised through demographics, interests and other criteria. I will help to define your target audiences and use your budget efficiently to reach your objectives.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Make your website work smarter rather than not harder and generate more qualified leads and customers with conversion rate optimization.

eCommerce Marketing

I provide eCommerce SEO and eCommerce PPC solutions to drive top-of-funnel traffic to your website. I will generate more product reviews, optimize your product pages and personalize your marketing strategies based on your customer needs.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engines are continuously changing their ranking factors, so you need a team that understands and can implement these changes to increase the visibility of your website.

I’ve been optimising my clients’ websites for over 10 years. Search engines have changed a lot in that time, and my skills and services have evolved with them. I have expertise to continually improve both onsite and offsite SEO. From SEO analysis and audits to structured data recommendations and page speed analysis, I am here to ensure your site stays healthy and runs smoothly.

Technical SEO

Establish a strong online foundation with on-point technical SEO. I will optimize your site speed, audit redirects and eliminate duplicate content. Increase your website’s crawlability and indexability.

Page Speed Optimization

Page speed optimization is a thing. At this time and age, internet user doesn’t have the patience to wait for a page to finish loading. Almost half of these users (47%) actually expect a page to load within 2 seconds. After 3 seconds of waiting, 40% of these users will abandon the said page. A Google representative was even quoted saying that 2 seconds is the threshold of acceptable e-commerce page load speed. This isn’t just because Google says so. More than half of online shoppers consider an e-commerce site’s load speed as criteria for their continued patronage.

Your website doesn’t necessarily need to be really slow to earn the dissatisfaction of potential customers. The slow load speed can affect the rendering of some vital elements of the page, negatively affecting user experience – a factor that affects an entire website’s overall performance data.

After learning what you can gain or lose, you may be wondering where to begin in improving your website’s load time. Page speed optimization service is one of the first places you should look.

Web Development

A professional web presence is, for every business in the growth stage, a vital element for success and for a sustainable growth. I’ll create a website representing your business and then work diligently to expand it and ensure it’s kept up with all the trends. I build websites using the very best open source platforms keeping your business secure and at the cutting-edge of technology.