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Animal SoundsTeach your kid animal sounds.
Latvian CalendarLatvian nameday calendar (desktop only).
WeatherWeb app with current weather in Riga.
robots.txt generatorrobots.txt file generator allows you to easily produce a robots.txt file for your website based on inputs.
Convert CaseText tool where you can change between lower case and upper case letters, where you can capitalize, uncapitalize, convert and transform your text.
GalleryWeb design gallery using API.
QR Code GeneratorSimple QR code generator.
UTM GeneratorThis tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can measure them in analytics.
Time ConverterConvert time from AM/PM to 24h time.
Date DurationCalculate duration between two dates.
Percentage CalculatorCalculate percentage of various scenarios.
CalculatorSimple calculator web app.
Base64Simple base64 encoder/decoder.
ScreensizeScreen heigh and width.
Browser InfoGet all info about your browser.
Work Day CalculatorSimple work day calculator with options to exclude latvian official holidays.
NotepadLocal storage notepad with word and character counter.
Web Dev chatGPTWeb development chatGPT assistant.
Week JournalLocal storage weekly journal/todo app.